OPEN NOMINATIONS: 2019 Founders Award

The 2019 Founders Award

In recognition of Volunteerism and Leadership

The purpose of the award is to commemorate the volunteer comitment of David and Christine Stewart, and Father Tim Coughlan, and individuals who demonstrate similar dedication and spirit. In addition, this award celebrates the founding and development of Horizons of Friendship.

Award Criteria

  1. Evidence that the spirit of volunteerism has played a significant role in the individual’s lifetime.

  2. Demonstration of leadership in addressing social inequality in Canada and elsewhere, consistent with the ideals of Horizons of Friendship.

Award Process

A candidate for the Founders Award may be sponsored by an organization or an individual not related to the candidate.

An award nomination form needs to fully completed and submitted to Horizons of Friendship by the deadline (May 16th, 2019). Candidates will not be considered posthumously.

Nominations will be reviewed and chosen by a selection committee made up of Horizons’ Board of Directors and staff. The winner will receive a commemorative medal, specially crafted by renowned Northumberland artist Frances Gage, as well as a certificate of recognition.

The deadline for nominations is May 16th, 2019.

The 2018 Founders Award was given to the Justice James Clarke, a former lawyer and judge from Cobourg, Ontario. Clarke has a longtime involvement with Covenant House of Toronto, Plan International Canada, Chalice, Michael House, the food bank and th…

The 2018 Founders Award was given to the Justice James Clarke, a former lawyer and judge from Cobourg, Ontario. Clarke has a longtime involvement with Covenant House of Toronto, Plan International Canada, Chalice, Michael House, the food bank and the Welcome Drop-in Centre in Guelph.

Nominate someone using the form below!

The Founders Award will be presented at our Annual General Meeting on June 17th, 2019 at Venture 13 in Cobourg, Ontario.

Rodrigo Konigs